275: Bully a good-for-nothing _2

"Viola Thompson's approach is clearly problematic, doctor, we should never have listened to her in the first place."

Dr. Vini, with his head full of golden curls, stood in front of the lab bench, a slight frown on his face.

The student beside him continued, "Dr. Vini, why don't we remove Viola Thompson from our experiment?"

Dr. Vini rubbed his temple, "Let's discuss this issue when Viola gets here."

Kevin didn't know what Dr. Vini was fussing about.

Could it be because Viola was the top-ranked contender in the preliminary competition, so he trusts her unconditionally?

That seemed too presumptuous.

Kevin continued, "But now..."

Just as Kevin was about to say something else, Dr. Vini raised his hand to stop him.

In his frustration, Kevin could only sigh.

At that moment, footsteps could be heard approaching from the entrance.

"It's Viola Thompson."

Kevin immediately turned around to look.

Viola was walking in.