283: Is Rachel Barton the killer?! A direct slap in the face_5

"Speak," she said.

Fiona Knight put forth her conjectures.

Her speculations were not without a basis.

They were well-founded and logically stated.

Mandel Thompson's brow furrowed slightly, a layer of frost seeming to cover his features.

Who could it be?

Who was targeting Mrs. Thompson and Viola?

In conclusion, Fiona Knight said: "Brother Thompson, at this point, Diana Hershey, Flora Tiarks, Rachel Barton and I, we are all major suspects. Concerning Viola and Mrs. Thompson's lives, I beg you not to overlook any clue."

Any one of the four of them could potentially be behind the harm towards Viola.

No one could be ruled out.

"Alright," Mandel Thompson nodded.

Once she finished speaking, Mandel went on to say: "Viola is blessed to have a friend like you."

At a time like this, few people have the clarity of thought to consider every eventuality.

Fiona replied: "No, Brother Thompson. Being able to meet a friend like Viola in my life, that's my blessing."