284: Viola Thompson wakes up, inviting the gentleman to the pot! _4

Who could have imagined such wickedness.

Even the best friends could turn against you, as they did with Viola Thompson.

"Not just Viola's best friend, but also our housekeeper!" Mandel Thompson added.

"Who on earth is this person?!"

All Mary Perryne wanted now was to find the poisoner as soon as possible.

Such cruelty!

If it weren't for what happened to Viola, the Thompson Clan wouldn't have gotten into all this trouble.

Mandel Thompson said, "Mom, calm down for now, I believe that one day the truth will come to light."

Mary Perryne sighed.

Samuel Thompson didn't really know Viola's friends and asked, "Is Fiona Knight the most timid one among the four girls? The one wearing the light yellow down jacket today?"

Mandel Thompson nodded, "Yes, she is."

Samuel Thompson was somewhat surprised.

He hadn't expected such remarkable wisdom from shy-looking Fiona Knight.

A moment later, Samuel Thompson continued, "I think there's something else that's very important."