289: Big Shots Gather in the Capital! _2

At 8 o'clock in the morning.

Mary Perryne and two sisters-in-law had prepared breakfast.

"Viola, go and invite your grandmother down for breakfast."


Viola Thompson, clad in custom-made New Year's clothing, ascended the stairs to call Mrs. Thompson.

She stood at the door.



Perhaps her voice was too low, there was no response from inside.

Viola raised her voice.

Still, there was no response from inside.

At this point, Viola was beginning to sense something unpleasant.

Just then, Evan Thompson was passing by.

"Uncle Evan, please come here."

"What is it, Viola?" Evan immediately ran over.

Sawyer Thompson frowned and said, "I came to wake grandmother, but she hasn't responded."

Mrs. Thompson's health is not good, Evan too noticed the abnormality and immediately went downstairs to call for help

The door was locked from the inside.

Sawyer called a locksmith, and Viola took a thin wire, "Let me try this."