289: Big Shots Gather in the Capital! _7

To ward off any bad luck, Mrs. Perryne had stuffed her bag with several Buddhist items for exorcising evil spirits.

She looked at the rows upon rows of wreaths lined up at the entrance.

Mrs. Perryne walked up to the wreaths, scanned the signatures on them, and couldn't help but exclaim in awe, "This is truly the Thompson Clan! These wreaths are mostly from prominent individuals in Capital City!"

Sammie Perryne glanced about and seeing no one else around, his mouth curled into a sneering smile, "This will be the last time!"

Those who had sent wreaths did so out of respect for the dead.

Who would care about Sawyer Thompson's face after Mrs. Thompson's funeral?


Having fought in the business world for so long, Sammie Perryne knew there were no real feelings there.

"The White family and the Tiarks Clan have also sent representatives!" exclaimed Mrs. Perryne upon spotting the head of White family's name.