290: Setting up a trap to abuse the scum!_5

But Sabrina Sabir was not only unaware of the problem, she was actually enjoying it.

Sabrina looked at Isla Astir and said, "George's school is pretty close to yours, Isla. You should go and hang out with him if you can, discuss your studies."

Before Isla could respond, Mrs. Astir chuckled and interjected, "Isla's so busy she hardly has time to eat, let alone socialize. There're always meetings and conferences to attend when she's free. She only goes to school during exams; where would she find time to hang out with George?"

Isla usually stays up until nearly 3 a.m. drawing comics, wakes up at 11:30 a.m., and starts reading after having a meal. After reading, she gets some exercise. If there are any activities at the school, she has to squeeze in time to participate.

After the activities, she rushes back to draw more comics. Her time is like water from a sponge, all squeezed out.

She has practically no time to play.

"True, your Isla is one busy bee now!"