292: Retribution arrives, Xuexue creates a miracle!_1

At that moment, Rachel's face turned deathly pale.

"No, I can't be amputated! I can't!"

She kept refusing.

She was only eighteen years old. If all her limbs were amputated, how would she live out the rest of her life?

"Doctor, please, save me! You can't do this!"

Rachel writhed anxiously on the operating table.

The nurse timely subdued Rachel.

"Miss Helena, your condition is extremely dangerous right now, we must amputate immediately!"

The doctor next to her was already prepared, looking towards the anesthetist, "Is anesthesia ready?"

"It's ready!"

The doctor nodded, "Arrange for anesthesia immediately."


Hearing the word anesthesia, Rachel struggled even more.

Several nurses had to exert strength to hold her down.

After the anesthesia was administered, Rachel gradually lost consciousness, falling into a coma.

The surgery continued.

Outside the emergency room, there were no friends or relatives waiting.

After what felt like forever, Rachel woke up again.