292: Retribution arrives, Viola creates a miracle!_4

Had he known that he would run into Viola Thompson in the mountains today, he wouldn't have driven this car.

Yet, things never turn out as one expects.

"Don't worry," Viola said as she buckled her seatbelt, her eyes on the ground, "I'm not cold."

She was rather resistant to the cold. She didn't feel cold in a coat even when the temperature dropped to several degrees below zero, nor did she feel hot in a down jacket.

However, under normal circumstances, she opted for a coat, as it wasn't as bulky and didn't obstruct her movement.

But her family always worried that she was cold and made sure she was wearing a down jacket before she left the house.

Mandel Thompson, in particular, had bought her ten down jackets.

"Well, we should be on our way then."

Mr. White started the engine.

The car moved steadily. Given the snowfall and icy roads, they had to drive at a slow pace.

Viola wasn't in a hurry, so she focused on the view outside the window.