293: Experiment completed! _4

"Thank you for your faith in me, Minister Rhonda, but..." Vincent Lee hesitated, "I'm not a person who likes to backtrack."

"I hear your parents are planning for a second child." Rhonda finished his sentence and simply fixed his gaze on Vincent Lee.

However, there was no significant reaction on Vincent Lee's face. He only chuckled and said, "That's their personal choice."

Upon hearing this, Rhonda frowned slightly, as it was not the reaction he anticipated.

After a moment, Rhonda continued, "Once your parents successfully have a second child, you will lose your right to the family inheritance."

Family inheritance was never Vincent Lee's goal, so he naturally didn't mind.

"Mr. Rhonda, I am grateful for your kindness, but I'll never regret my choices," Vincent remarked.

When his parents divorced, he chose to go with his father with the hope of one day curing his mother's blindness.