303: Girlfriend at home is too strict! _2

"A Mercedes-Benz GLC costs over 800,000 as well." Charlotte Young answered.

Hearing that the gift Charlotte Young sent was around the same price as her Jade Buddha, Sophie breathed a sigh of relief.

In truth, weren't she and Charlotte Young competitors too?

What if Charlotte Young were to play her tricks, pleasing Eleanor Armstrong and benefitting herself?

As though thinking of something, Charlotte Young continued to ask: "Didn't we say we were going to send a message to Miss Thompson at the last meeting? Have you sent it? I went home and searched, but I don't have her on WhatsApp."

Sophie smilingly replied: "If you hadn't mentioned it, I would've forgotten! I'll send her a message when I get home."

She had added Viola on WhatsApp, but Viola rarely posted on her story, so they basically had no communication.

Having said that, Sophie continued, "Even if I do send her a message, she may not come."