310: The Reversal Beyond the Reversal (First Update)_4

[The same Miss Thompson who accomplished the Sight Restorer Plan?]

[Yes, her! Otherwise, an ordinary person wouldn't have so much power to turn the plagiarizer into the one being plagiarized.]

[Suddenly, I don't know what to comment! I still prefer to believe in Miss Thompson, but this event really disappoints me about her! If everything Evelyn said is true, that's too scary! It is hard to believe such things would still happen in the 21st Century!]

[I am really angry! Plagiarism itself is intolerable, and now the victim has to quit school?]

[Even if it's Miss Thompson, she can't be so overbearing, right? She blocks out the rest of the world. So angry!]

[But when you think about it, it's quite normal, after all, it's Viola Thompson. As far as I know, she just gave a lecture at Capital University not long ago. If she wants someone to leave school, it only takes a single word!]

[@Capital University official account, is the official account really not going to explain?]