316: Contest between Two Titans!_5

Nathaniel Besian: "..."

Stop pretending!

He had heard it all.

Viola Thompson put the medical kit on the table, "I'm going to treat your swelling first."


Nathaniel Besian nodded.

In fact, he could hardly nod anymore because his neck was as swollen as his face.

Fortunately, apart from the swelling, he wasn't itchy anymore.

Viola took out the golden needle.

Under the light, the golden needle reflected a dazzling radiance.

"Lie down."

Nathaniel Besian obediently lied on the ground.

Viola began to apply acupuncture.

Nathaniel Besian's unease about needles hadn't fully disappeared. As Viola thrust the golden needle down, a layer of cold sweat formed on his forehead.

He was very nervous.

About three minutes later.

Golden needles were stuck into all the major acupuncture points on Nathaniel Besian.

He wasn't as nervous now.

Viola Thompson pulled out a white pill from the medical kit.

"Open your mouth, eat it."