319: The internet is blown away! All views are completely destroyed!_3

"Thank you!" Mrs. Golemon continued, "Actually, money doesn't matter. No amount of money can bring back my daughter's life. All we want is to see the culprits getting their deserved punishment as soon as possible!"

If Tiffany Golemon wasn't so fortunate, she might have died by now!

It was something Mrs. Golemon could hardly dare to think about!

The reporter smiled and said, "Rest assured, once this report is published, it's bound to cause a sensation. At that time, those villains who can't stand the light of day will certainly be brought to justice."

"Thank you!"

Mrs. Golemon thanked him again and escorted the reporter to the door.

Only when the reporter was out of sight did Mrs. Golemon return to the patient's room.

Mr. Golemon was talking to his daughter Tiffany, his eyes filled with a loving sadness, "Child, you have suffered! It's our fault for treating the person who hurt you as a benefactor!"