Chapter 69 The Family Heritage Passed Down by the Old Ancestor_1


The momentum he exploded with was quite extraordinary, more intense than what he had seen from Principal Qian a while ago.

It was evident that Wang Xiaohan was endowed with solid foundations.

Only because he had failed before, his will had become too depressed, and he had resigned himself to guarding his twenty-acre Spirit Field until his death.

"Hehe~" Wang Shouzhe ignored his momentum and rage, calmly saying, "Liu Shenghao of the Liu Clan and Zhao Daoyuan of the Zhao Clan. You're familiar with these two names, right?"

Wang Xiaohan, taken aback, slowly withdrew his momentum, reverting back to his humble farmer's demeanor. He said solemnly, "Both of them have taken the path of the Spirit Platform. There's a rumor that within five years or so, they will both attempt to impact the Spirit Platform Stage. They represent the biggest trouble for our family.