Chapter 72 Brother-in-law and Younger Uncle_1



He made an excuse to send Wang Licui away for a while, pointing out the recent plans that needed to be implemented and the parts that required the old ancestor's cooperation one by one.

Inside the pavilion.

Longyan's ancestral hair lightly danced in the wind as her eyes sparkled like stars, radiating a captivating brilliance. She spoke calmly, but her words were filled with fierceness: "Shouzhe's plan is excellent, but why am I only arranged to be the backhand? I've already digested most of the Yin Sha poison in my body. There's no need to worry about backlash when I take action."

"Even if this scheme attracts an old ghost, I, Wang Longyan, am willing to pay the price to eliminate them. Even if two ghosts come, I'm not afraid."

Wang Shouzhe massaged his forehead. The ancestor Longyan was excellent in all aspects, except for her impetuous temperament.

Fighting in a war was like playing a game of cards,—who would throw their trump card right at the beginning?