Chapter 90 Stripping Reputation! Desperately Stripping (Seeking Monthly Ticket) _1


That single punch.

It collided directly with the claw of Elder Bojun.


The two forces clashed, causing a shockwave to spread in all directions.

Elder Bojun, floating in the air, tumbled backward for more than ten feet before he managed to stabilize himself. A flush of embarrassment crossed his face momentarily, a clear indication that he was at a disadvantage. Slowly, he descended to the ground, his face filled with extreme anger, "It's you, Gongsun Meng!"

Zhao Clan's main base was just across from the Gongsun Clan in Shanyang. He had come across Gongsun Meng twice before, and they were not strangers to each other.

After scoring a hit, Elder Meng plummeted to the ground like a sledgehammer, his feet creating a crater on the bluestone pavement.

He lifted the hood from his gray robe and sneered, "Zhao Bojun, you disregarded the rules of sparring and attacked a twelve-year-old child. Once the news gets out, your reputation will be in ruins."