Chapter 99 Attack on Spiritual Platform & Lici's Hard Work (4100)_1


Chen Fangjie had always felt that he wasn't the cunning sort.

He was calm and methodical in his actions, earning compliments and affection from the family elders. Even the two revered ancestors highly doted on him.

However, ever since befriending his future brother-in-law, Wang Shouzhe, his astute nature had started surfacing.

It couldn't be helped as Shouzhe often tried to trick him. Therefore, to survive his tricks, cunningness was necessary.

That rascal has invited Ancestor Longyan here without even telling him in advance!

Ancestor Longyan scrutinized him from head to toe and indifferently said, "Such smooth talk. Luo Yi has to discipline you properly; get up now."

Chen Fangjie couldn't help but wryly smile. In the twenty-something years of his life, this was the first time someone accused him of babbling. Shouzhe, you sure have played me deliriously.