Chapter 111 Shocking! Shouzhe's Talent is Extraordinary (Seeking monthly ticket for 5000 big chapters)_1


For a moment, Wang Shouzhe couldn't help but laugh.

This Bloodline Awakening talent, coming and going. He had been expecting a Bloodline talent for a long time, but in the end, it awakened as a support role.

Could it be that in the future he, Wang Shouzhe, would depend on his sisters and old ancestors to fight in the front lines while he provides support in the rear?

However, upon careful thought, this might not be such a bad thing.

As the Clan Leader, he is the foundation of the clan, the hub of the soul.

Whether falling on the battlefield or under other circumstances, it would be a lethal blow to the family.

The Wood Type Bloodline Talent might not seem very powerful in battle, but its vitality is undoubtedly the strongest. Even if you can't kill it in a short period, it belongs to the type that can exhaust you to death.