Chapter 111 Shocking! Shouzhe's Talent is Extraordinary (Seeking monthly ticket for 5000 big chapters)_3

"By the way, Old Ancestor," Wang Shouzhe asked curiously, "How do my talents compare to those Wood-Type Bloodline talents you mentioned just now? Who is more powerful?"

Old Ancestor Longyan replied indifferently, "Naturally, your bloodline talent is much stronger. I've never seen one that can heal so quickly and stimulate the growth of plants in such a short time."

"In that case, my bloodline talent seems to be extraordinary." Wang Shouzhe was a little excited at heart and asked again, "Your Ice-type bloodline talent is a rare one, right? How does it compare to yours? Which one is superior?"

Suddenly, Old Ancestor Longyan didn't feel like talking to him anymore. She gave him a cold stare. If she had Wang Shouzhe's peculiar bloodline talent, would she have to suffer from Yin Sha Qi for fifty years?

She probably would have killed the Liu and Zhao Clans twice over by now.