Chapter 113: Leading to Death! Wang Shouzhe_1


The External Realm!

Since ancient times, it has been an area both yearned for and profoundly revered by humans, and a place enthusiastically talked about and acclaimed by countless people.


Even an ordinary independent cultivator could potentially become wealthy overnight, securing a fortune that they could not deplete in their lifetime.


Even a Tianren Realm powerhouse could tragically fall, leaving no remains.

In the External Realm, there is no absolute safety.

Thus, as soon as he stepped into the External Realm, Wang Shouzhe ordered everyone to be on guard and put on armors made of Level Three crocodile skin.

This kind of armor is difficult to break with common swords and not very heavy, making it cost-effective in combat.

At the same time, four of the stronger household heads took the lead, spreading out in a fan formation in front of the team.

These are the scouts.