Chapter 118: Fire Crow! Water Dragon! Old Ancestor Show Off Their Power_1



Liu Zhide, the Spirit Platform Realm cultivator of Independent Cultivator background, is now roaring like a madman and a wild animal, "Why, why? Why would the esteemed Heavenly Man Zhong Clan stoop to conspire with you to sabotage us? Zhong Luoxian, Wang Shouzhe, Zhong Xingwang, Wang Longyan! You, shameless heirs of prominent families, are utterly despicable!"

His voice is filled with sorrow and combativeness, radiating endless fury, unwillingness, and even regret, reverberating back and forth in the sky above the camp.

As if he were singing a dirge for the imminent downfall of the Liu and Zhao families.

"Conspiracy again?"

Zhong Xingwang is engaged in combat with Liang Haofeng of the Liang Clan, feeling thrilled beyond measure.