Chapter 121: Feast! Return with the Game (Seeking Recommendation and Monthly Tickets)_1


At these words, all eyes turned to Liu Yonghao. Some were questioning, some envious.

"Liu Yonghao, what makes you sure that this python was hunted by your family?" Liu Ruolei scolded him in a sweet and angry voice. "From this far away, you can recognize your family's men?"

"Miss Ruolei is right." some peddlers chimed in, "We are too far away, we can only determine it's a python head by comparing it with the litter, and only with some difficulty. What makes you so confident that the Liu Clan killed it?"

Upon hearing these words, whispers of ridicule filled the air, mocking Liu Yonghao for bragging.

Although Liu Yonghao is a direct descendent of the Liu Clan, his reputation is not good. Only a few months ago, he had been severely beaten by an eleven-year-old girl just outside the Wang family's house!