Chapter 123: Welcoming the Bride! Fire-treading White Cloud (Looking for recommendations and monthly tickets)_2

Approximately, with only one part of the greenhouse experimental field and as long as the field is properly nourished, he needs only a few days to bring the rice in the experimental field to maturity and harvest.

Therefore, he decided to use his new ability to cultivate rice.

The original rice, ironically, came from the Liu and Zhao families, whose farm yield was so low it was unbearable to see. The rice that could still survive despite such a reduction in yield must undoubtedly be a superior part of the crop in terms of pest and disease resistance.

Starting from this basis would simplify things a lot.

Then, he cultivated new varieties of rice generation by generation. The pitifully scarce and fragmented knowledge of agriculture and breeding from his previous life was utilized by him bit by bit.

After spending a full half year, he bred fifteen varieties of rice, each with its own advantages.