Chapter 17: Threefold Bloodline and Significant Enhancement of Family Heritage (Request for Monthly Tickets)_1


Of course, this was also due to his soaring spirit after he had just ascended to the Spirit Platform Realm.

He was well aware that the path to becoming a Celestial Being was even more enduring and challenging. He would only be able to reach the end by taking it a step at a time and constantly moving forward persistently.

There were simply no shortcuts to it.

Fortunately, he had already achieved the awakening of the double bloodline before ascending to the Spirit Platform Realm.

Now having ascended to the Spirit Platform Realm, his life level improved significantly once again. According to logical inference, his bloodline would be refined further, reaching the threefold bloodline level and gradually approaching some old ancestors from the ancient era.

After he completed the initial testing of his body's abilities,