Chapter 19: Invincible Talent! The True Power of ShouZhe's Threefold Bloodline_2

Obviously, our ancestor still didn't care for him.

Were it not for past feelings, Grand Ancestor Longyan would have surely driven him away by now. The Grand Ancestor is very protective of the family's food supply and detests those unrelated people who freeload.

So, Wang Shouzhe had nothing more to say and, along with the younger generation, withdrew.

The visit to the Purple Abode Academic Palace was only scheduled for the beginning of the new year, so there was no rush to plan.

Moreover, Wang Shouzhe truly needed to make a trip to the Purple Abode Academic Palace as it wasn't just related to the follow-up problems of the Cultivation Technique in the Spirit Platform chapter of the Longevity Youth True Verses.

The Spirit Platform chapter's techniques weren't urgent as they've just entered the Spirit Platform Realm. The focus was on stabilizing their realm. They do not plan to rush into Level Two or Level Three.