Chapter 22 Lament! How Unfair is the Heaven_2

Hearing this, Wang Luotong burst into a delightful laughter, remarking it to be all rather amusing.

Wang Zongsheng, the younger generation, also chimed in agreement, finding it quite interesting. He shared his plans of moving to the Changning Garrison in a couple of years, to lend a hand at his father, Wang Shouyi's, Ping'an Wang Family's fish stall. This, he said, would help him broaden his horizon.

On one side, Wang Shouyue finally regained his senses.

Listening to these supposedly interesting tales, he found them rather ordinary. Once his innate sense of superiority kicked in, he joined the conversation, speaking mostly of the strange happenings at the Longzuo County Town.

Wang Luotong and others listened with interest, finding it all quite novel and amusing. After all, the communication between Changning Garrison and Longzuo County Town was limited due to the distance.

Turns out, the town of Longzuo County had plenty of interesting happenings.