Chapter 38: Sister Shocked! Fourth Brother is Coming to Fight Us_1


Enraged, Li Yuzhe broke into laughter, "Fine, fine. It seems that everyone thinks they can toy with me. Young lady, since you want to challenge me, go ahead!"

Wang Luo Jing shot him a glance and shook her head, "Please take some time to recover first, Senior Brother Yuzhe."

Li Yuzhe paused, a mix of amusement and annoyance welling up within him.

She was clearly unsatisfied with fighting against him in his current weakened state. How humiliating.

The rest of the disciples from Changchun Valley lamented. What on earth was happening with these young newcomers? They were all so arrogant.

The Leisure Peak disciples and Wang Luoqiu were still celebrating on the side. Seeing what had just transpired, they were all left speechless.

Good Lord, this young lady was just as audacious as Luoqiu!

Wang Luoqiu gave them a dismissive grunt, "What childish nonsense."

Zhang Xiuping suddenly remembered something, "Wait a minute! She just said her name is Wang Luo Jing."