Chapter 43: Is It Too Late To Change My Doors And Hallways? _2

Amid the jade light, Wang Shouzhe found himself laughing quietly.

Master Changchun certainly wasn't boasting when he said he held grudges — he did remember things from over a hundred years ago perfectly clear.

The common saying was that Master Changchun, of the Academic Palace, was the most mild-tempered and disliked conflicts, being naturally quiet and peaceful.

It seemed the rumors were just that: rumors. This so-called peaceful temperament, desireless and uncompetitive, must be the result of not being able to defeat others, right?

He vehemently criticized Master Binglan for being vindictive, but his own attitude was not much better.

Wang Shouzhe found himself sighing, rumors were indeed not always trustworthy!

"Changchun, stop showing off your power in my Mysterious Ice Palace."