Chapter 46: Master Binglan sure knows how to have fun_2

While speaking, she hurriedly paid respects to Master Binglan who was stunned, and said, "Master, this brat is my great-nephew, who has been stubborn since childhood. If he has offended you this time, please forgive him. Shouzhe, don't you hurry and apologize to Master?"

She spoke as if Master Binglan was full of disbelief and Fang Youan was indeed surprised.

Was this formidable kid really a descendant of Junior Sister Longyan's family?

After hearing his ancestor's reprimand, Wang Shouzhe quickly adjusted himself and sincerely apologized to Master Binglan: "I apologize for any offenses I may have caused earlier, I hope you can forgive me."

Master Binglan's eyebrows twitched twice.

She would like to hold a grudge against this brat, but could she really do that even knowing that he was the descendant of Longyan?

Hopelessly, she narrowed her eyes slightly: "This longevity fruit is for Longyan?"