Chapter 60 Behind the Scenes! Operating Changning (7000 Big Chapter)_1


Just as Wang Zong'an was trembling with fear, Wang Shouzhe arrived at the scene.

"Wang Liyao!" Wang Shouzhe reprimanded angrily, "What are you doing standing on the platform? You…."

However, he was unable to complete his scolding.

Because when Wang Liyao saw her father, the solemnity and authority that had resided on her pretty little face instantly vanished without a trace, her mouth puckered up, and her eyes welled up with tears.

Then she threw herself into Wang Shouzhe's arms, whimpering tearfully, "Daddy, you're finally here, woo…."

Seeing his beloved daughter in such a pitiful state, Wang Shouzhe's heart instantly softened, his anger thoroughly forgotten.

He quickly steadied his beloved daughter in his arms, gently stroking her hair with a heart full of distress: "You silly child, standing on such a high platform, weren't you afraid of falling?"