Chapter 58: Shou Zhe Makes a Plan! Stirring up the Storm_2

His face was solemn and ugly: "The former Ma Huangfu's Family have somehow acquired a new weaving technology, with the cost of reeling silk and weaving silk is only a half of ours."

"Now they are buying all raw cocoons in the surrounding area at a price 50% higher, forcing us to raise the purchase price of the raw cocoons to meet the production and supply needs of raw silk and silk. As a result, we are not only not making any profit but continuously losing money."

"If it were normal times, our Changning Xu Family could afford the loss. However, right now, the old ancestor of our Changning Xu Family is raising resources to impact the Heavenly Human Realm, and we still lack at least one hundred thousand Qian Gold. We had hoped to borrow some money based on the income from silk in the next ten years, but we did not expect to be targeted by the former Ma Huangfu's Family."