Chapter 72: Harvest! The In-Laws Alliance is Overjoyed_1


After all the Family Heads had visited and explored the silk weaving workshop, the Xu Clan of Jingsha hosted the celebration banquet within the main residence.

This time, due to the cooperation between the Wang family and Changning's Xu Family, the Xu Clan of Jingsha had gained a significant advantage.

As long as the workshop could be smoothly operated, a great development awaited in the future!

Therefore, Clan Leader Xu Anze spared no expense, hosting a higher-grade Spirit Food banquet to welcome all the Family Heads and Old Ancestors.

After a round of toasts and merriment.

Wang Shouzhe suggested taking this opportunity to distribute the spoils of war. Instantly, all the Old Ancestors and Family Heads perked up, one by one they all looked lively, showing a rather expectant expression.

No wonder, this battle was grand, and the war spoils obtained were equally valuable.