Chapter 87: System List! Wang Family Inventory_3

Moreover, the extra Qian Gold generated was almost pure profit.

Therefore, just the 250 acres of Spirit Field could bring astronomical profits into Wang Shouzhe's hands, not to mention his other assets.

If the Huangfu Clan found out prematurely, they would, even if it means their lives, not let the Wang family succeed.

Of course, Qianma Town, which had just been acquired, currently requires massive investments without yielding any profits yet.

The Ping'an Wang Family, aside from Spirit Fields, also had a high output from regular farmland. The Wang Family currently owns up to 60,000 acres of farmland, among which approximately 20,000 acres of core farmlands are cultivated with Wang's No.19 rice variety and Wang's No.23 wheat variety.

These two varieties of staple food crops have extremely high yield. Even if the cultivators purchase the seeds at high prices, their farmlands' yield per acre increases by 50% from previous years, and that is pure profit after all costs are deducted.