Chapter 95 Turn the tables! Huangfu Clan (Seeking Recommendation Tickets)_1


"Junior Brother Shouzhe." Fang Youan's face involuntarily darkened a bit, he coughed twice and said, "It's just because you still don't know much about the world, not because Master is unwilling to help. Every Purple Abode Master in our Da Qian has important tasks on their shoulders. For something as small as a Blood Nest problem, we can solve it ourselves."

Wang Shouzhe ignored him and turned his hopeful gaze to little Senior Sister Green Fern. "Did Master send any reply?"

"Well..." Green Fern, who was eating candied fruits and didn't expect to be questioned, rolled her big eyes a few times. She said after swallowing the fruit with difficulty, "Reply's here, take a look."

Then, she pulled out a letter and handed it to Wang Shouzhe.

Wang Shouzhe opened it and saw just a few words: "Noted, Green Fern has been dispatched for support."


The corner of Wang Shouzhe's mouth twitched twice.