Chapter 95 Turn the tables! Huangfu Clan (Seeking Recommendation Tickets)_3

"Master Jinhuan," Lady Ji spoke blandly, "I'm not being stingy, but my brother Mingyu had to use a large amount of study points, incurring a large debt, in order to exchange for this Six-Pole Sun Flame Pearl at the Academic Palace. His own expenses alone reached about three hundred thousand Qian Gold coins."

"I'm not trying to profit from you. I only want to secure a benefit of one hundred thousand Qian Gold coins for my brother Mingyu."

"Four hundred thousand Qian Gold..."

The eyes of Huangfu Jinhuan narrowed, as this price far exceeded his estimations.

"No, four hundred and fifty thousand Qian Gold," Lady Ji replied slightly annoyed. "Favors are one thing, but I've run myself ragged for so long and still owe Mingyu a favor. Doesn't Master Jinhuan have any acknowledgment of this?"