Chapter 97: The Mantis Stalks the Cicada, Unaware of the Oriole Behind (Seeking Monthly Tickets) _5

But the Young Master was showing keen interest in everything, discussing passionately, "There are two types of Blood Nest Warriors; those whose bodies contain the Bridal Clothes Blood Gu are actually failures."

"They are unable to resist the erosion of the Bridal Clothes Blood Gu, eventually becoming crazed experimental subjects. The Blood Nest, then, controls these failed subjects, turning them into tools of war and cannon fodder."

"The truly high-ranking Blood Nest Warriors have successfully passed the test of the Bridal Clothes Blood Gu, elevated their bloodlines, and the Bridal Clothes Blood Gu will naturally die. These high-ranking Blood Nest Warriors are the true elites of a Blood Nest. They possess exceptional cultivation talents, no different from the true Little Sky Prides."

"So, isn't that the same as the Bone Marrow Cleansing Pill?" Huangfu Jinhuan's eyes lit up with curiosity.