Chapter 5: Longyan shows its power! Suppressing the Mid Stage Celestial Being_3

Dense sword energy rained down, icy and jade-like, accompanied by the sound of thunder, as if it could tear the sky apart.



"Boom, boom, boom!"

One sword, another sword, and yet another sword...

The sword light of Ancestor Longyan was powerful and dense, hardly giving Ancestor Hongqing a chance to counterattack. Even when he managed to seize an opportunity to fight back, he was forced to defend himself by her dense sword energy.

Ancestor Hongqing had no choice but to face it head-on, only to be forced to retreat step by step under her terrifying swordsmanship.

After more than a dozen continuous strikes, his chest heaved, and he finally couldn't suppress it any longer and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Ancestor Longyan sneered, and put away her sword.

She returned to her original position with light steps, like a victorious general triumphant in battle.

Well done!

Both Longzuo of the Wang family and the Zhang family fell silent.