Chapter 7 Two beauties! Gradually Rising _2

"My lord, lord... please... spare... spare me... I really... can't... take anymore..."

The beautiful woman on the bed had her hair in disarray and was panting heavily.

A robust cultivator in the advanced stage of Qi Refinement was engrossed in his 'tasks', sweat dripped down his muscular back, soaking the sheets beneath him.

However, at that same moment.

Outside the window and several yards away, two figures were tucked in the shadows, closely watching from the eaves.

Under the obscure night sky, their forms were fuzzy, but the slender silhouettes of the two women were still discernible.

Both women wore cloaks that blended well with the night. One of them was slightly taller, and the other one carried a large cage with her. Judging by its composition and shape, it was clearly an insect box carried by an Insect Master.

At this moment, the insect master was holding a jade-green worm flute.