Chapter 11 Prominent Family! Connections are Very Important_1


At the same time.

In the VIP room of Tian Yuan's Danfang, all the heads of the prominent families had already learned about the scoring results of the test papers and knew everyone's ranking order.

Meanwhile, the thirteen young alchemists who made the cut were also called into the VIP room. They waited beside their respective family heads for the results to be announced.

Only Si Xinghai - who had no family - found a spot in the corner to stand. He didn't engage in conversations with the people from the prominent families around him, as if he existed in a separate time and space from them.

On the corner desk, a red copper incense burner was emitting wisps of smoke that spiraled upwards. Above their heads from the crossbeam hung a beautifully carved Fluorescent Stone Spirit Lamp, spreading bright and warm light.

The decoration of this VIP room was luxurious but not overly fancy, carrying an elegant atmosphere.