Chapter 15: Primordial Water Heavenly Lake! Li Yao has arrived _1


Primordial Water Celestial Mountain.

This mountain stands tremendously high with abundant vegetation covering its slopes and casting thick shadows. A wide mountain path winds its way up from the foot of the mountain, leading all the way to the Heavenly Lake of the Primordial Water.

Golden sunlight filters through the dense forest, casting specks of light onto the winding path.

The path is paved with dark pounder stones. These stones, having been trodden on year after year, now bear indents and are covered in cracks, from which ruthless green moss pushes through, bringing out a jade-like sheen under the sunlight.

"Clump~" "Clump~" "Clump~"

A rhythmic clatter of hooves arises.

Two robust, azure Spirit Cows appear on the mountain path.

These Spirit Cows are both of exotic breeds, with ink-black hooves and crystal-clear eyes. Their stride is incredibly sturdy, and they move faster than average Spirit Cows.

On their back ride a man and a woman.