Chapter 22: Fighting for the Great Heavenly Proud! Who Will Win? (Vote for the Monthly Ticket)_4

Indeed, Lingyun Sacred Land would certainly take her in!

Master of Primordial Water was heartbroken, a prized Sky Pride disciple had suddenly flown away... He really wanted to strangle that little brat, Shang Jiping!

"Shouzhe, why go to Lingyun Sacred Land? You'll be a stranger in a strange land, won't you scare the child?" Master Binglan from the Mysterious Ice Palace said, "Let the child Li Yao join my Mysterious Ice lineage instead. I, Binglan, guarantee not to treat her unfairly."


Wang Shouzhe was taken aback, it was the first time he had heard Master Binglan refer to him in such a "warm and friendly" manner. Clearly, Master Binglan had recognized the Great Sky Pride bloodline talent of Li Yao, and took this opportunity to make a move.