Chapter 28 Harvest! And Wang Family Traditions (Seeking Monthly Tickets)_3

"Based on the structure and distribution of the spirit veins, it's clear that the magma pond is a spirit cave."

Everyone looked attentively, and indeed it was. Although the signs of excavation had faded due to the passage of time, careful observation still revealed traces of human activity.

Before the Wang family began to develop the Peaceful Corner, this was unequivocally a foreign habitat. Who could have developed a fire spirit vein here and turned it into a spirit cave?

"Could we possibly unearth an ancient relic here?" Wang Zongyao said with excitement, "If that's the case, we're really about to make a fortune."

This piece of land can be traced back to the Divine Martial Dynasty.

Nobody knows what came before the Divine Martial Dynasty, but it's common knowledge that the dynasty has been extinct for a hundred thousand years. During these hundred thousand years, countless events have transpired.