Chapter 35 Yi Wood Essence! The "Invincible" Path of the Young Clan Leader _3

The core disciples were, after all, the backbone of the Academic Palace's future, possessing decent spiritual strengths. The spirit plants they fostered were all quite unique.

"Senior Brother Yunlang has done an exceptional job nurturing his Purple Sun Spirit Wood, clearly not stinting on the provision of Fire Spirit Stones and Heaven and Earth Treasures. If he reaches the Heavenly Human Realm and makes it his life-bound spirit plant, it can emit Purple Sun Spiritual Fire, proving very lethal. I think he stands a good chance of winning this time," said one.

"Senior Brother Yunlang is still too young. Senior Brother Yuzhe's Fire Dragon Fruit Tree is the real deal, demonstrating his excellent skill at nurturing spirit plants," said another.

Two young ordinary disciples started their discussion.