Chapter 52: Wang Shouzhe! You and I are irreconcilable_3

The Yan clan members once again extended invitations, but Gongsun Hui insisted on handling matters impartially and would not be swayed. With no alternative, the Yan family had no choice but to let her do as she wished.

Soon, the financial department led by Gongsun Hui took up residence in the Yan family's main residence and began auditing a series of assets prepared for the capital injection and restructuring plan.

Initially, the Yan family thought Gongsun Hui was merely going through the motions since they had never heard of the financial terminology she used. However, they quickly realized how formidable Gongsun Hui was.

The team she brought with her consisted of elite financiers she had spent decades gradually cultivating, all of them experts in asset auditing and project auditing.

"Chief Accountant of Yan Clan," Gongsun Hui said to an elder, "there are discrepancies in the accounts for the twenty thousand saltmarsh sheep in your salt pan ranch. Please explain."