Chapter 002: Humiliation of Cancelling the Marriage!

Julie Stewart took a deep breath and said excitedly, "I feel my dizziness is gone, and the shortness of breath has disappeared, my heart doesn't hurt anymore!"

Julia Stewart was dumbfounded and greatly shocked!

If she had not seen it with her own eyes, she would never believe it!

That guy just tapped a few points around her aunt's chest, and her aunt's symptoms were relieved!

Julie scanned the surroundings and quickly asked, "Julia, where is Mr. Yeager?"

Julia came to her senses, "He... he left!"

"What? He left?"

Julie excitedly said, "Divine Doctor, Mr. Yeager is a Divine Doctor! Why did you let him go?

We didn't even thank him yet, moreover..."

"Moreover what?"

Julia asked.

Julie breathed rapidly, "Mr. Yeager's miraculous medical skills could very likely cure your grandfather!"

Julia frowned slightly, "Aunt, all these years, so many doctors have not been able to cure my grandfather. Can he really do it?"

"He was able to see my illness and the time of onset at a glance."

Julie narrowed her eyes and continued, "and moreover, he was able to bring me back from the brink of death within a few minutes. You tell me, can he?

We must find Mr. Yeager!"

Julia was shocked, then came back to her senses.

She regretted, "Aunt, but he's gone, how do we find him?"

Julie took a deep breath and said, "Didn't Mr. Yeager just say that he was going to fulfill his marriage vows with the Lewis family?

We'll go to the Lewis family now and ask for his help!"


Julia's eyes lit up as she started the car and headed straight for the Lewis residence.


Lewis Family Villa.

In the hall.

"A country bumpkin from the mountains wants to marry our Second Miss Lewis. You're dreaming!"

"A toad wants to eat swan meat, but does not weigh his abilities!"

"Country boy, this is not a place for you, get lost!"

The Lewis family verbally mocked and drove away a young man standing in front of them.

Today was the engagement day of Cindy Lewis, the young lady of the Lewis family of River City, and Dion Weil, the young master of the Weil family.

Chairmen of major corporations and wealthy families attended, making it a lively event.

Unexpectedly, a guy named Lionel Yeager suddenly appeared at the engagement banquet with a marriage contract in hand, asking to fulfill the marriage contract with Miss Lewis.

This greatly irritated the people of the Lewis family.

They, the third-class family in River City, finally got close to the second-class Weil family and had a chance to become a second-class family themselves, so they had to seize this opportunity.

Therefore, they would not allow anyone to interfere with this marriage and ruin their good fortune.

Lionel Yeager held the marriage contract and stared blankly at the Lewis family members, feeling very upset.

He followed Neal Koontz's arrangement to come to the Lewis family to fulfill the marriage contract, but who knew that they would not even greet him and just arrange another engagement instead?

Lionel took a deep breath and looked at Vic Lewis, dressed in a red suit, and said solemnly, "Old Man Lewis, it was you who begged my master to agree to this marriage contract back then!

Are you going to renege now?"

Neal had told him that all those years ago, he had saved Old Man Lewis, extending his life by twenty years.

Old Man Lewis was extremely grateful, asking to become Neal's in-law and even offering all the Lewis family's assets in return - which was when Neal had agreed.

Moreover, Neal also promised that as long as the Lewis family kept their word, he would give Old Man Lewis another ten years of life.


Vic Lewis sneered, "Kid, twenty years have passed, the marriage contract is naturally void!

Back then, I was just being polite to your master, you took it seriously?

In any case, I will never allow our Anna to marry a disciple of a mountainous country doctor!"

Lucy Lewis arrogantly yelled at Lionel, "Just look at yourself! What do you think you are!

Do the clothes on you even cost a total of 100 yuan?

You look like a beggar!

Get the hell out of here, stinking beggar!"

Second Miss Lewis, Cindy, also stood up and declared arrogantly, "Lionel, my husband must be the best among men, he must be from a wealthy family!

And you, what are you?

What right does a man from the mountains have to marry me?

What qualifications do you have to marry me?

Dion Weil is the only one who will be my heart's desire!"

Dressed in a branded suit, Dion Weil sneered, "Kid, I am the heir to the next Patriarch of the Weil family and the CEO of our family's company with over 100-billion-dollar assets!

And what about you? No money, no power. Do you really think someone like you, garbage, can compete with me for Anna?"

Lionel Yeager coldly laughed, "I have no intention of fighting you for a worn-out disreputable woman."

He had already seen that Cindy Lewis was not a virgin and had the aura of several men on her.

Since that was the case, this engagement was neither here nor there.

He certainly wouldn't be the one to take over her mess.

"How dare you call me a disreputable girl? You're asking for death!"

Cindy Lewis, having her weakness exposed, screamed.

Her love life was indeed dissolute, having had relationships with many men.

However, being bluntly named by Lionel Yeager, she felt utterly humiliated.

Many people in the room were also whispering under their breath.

There were things that everyone knew but bringing it up was very embarrassing.

Cindy's mother Lucille Harper roared, "Come on, kill this kid!"

As the Lewis Family's guardians were about to step forward!

Vic Lewis shouted loudly, "Enough! Are you not ashamed?"

The Lewis Family's several guardians suddenly stopped.

With so many members of prominent families watching, she didn't want to disgrace her family, but rather get Lionel Yeager to leave as soon as possible.

Vic Lewis stared coldly at Lionel Yeager and said, "Kid, isn't the reason you're making a scene simply that you want money?"

With that, the old man instructed his son, "Derick, give this kid one million, have him hand over the marriage contract, and then tell him to get lost!"

"Yes, father."

Derick nodded, took out a check, wrote a series of numbers on it, threw it at Lionel Yeager's feet, and then reached out and said, "Pick up the check, give the marriage contract, and then you can go!"

"Hehe... "

Lionel Yeager chuckled coldly, "Vic Lewis, you're really generous, you think a 20-year lifespan is worth one million?"

Vic Lewis's face darkened, "Kid, one million is not a small amount."

Lucy Lewis sneered, "You beggar, you dare complain?

A country bumpkin like you, could you even earn one million in ten or twenty years?"

"Hurry up and bring the marriage contract!"

Cindy Lewis directly rushed up to Lionel Yeager, snatched the marriage contract from his hand, tore it into shreds, and stomped on it furiously!

Lionel Yeager laughed, his laughter especially frigid, "Cindy Lewis, I hope you won't regret what you've done today and that you won't come begging me in the future."

"Regret? Begging you?"

Cindy Lewis scoffed, "I will never regret what I did today!

As for begging you, that's even more impossible!"

The onlookers also looked at Lionel Yeager with disdain and ridicule, as if they were looking at a clown.

The Lewis family and Weil family were engaged already. What was the point of making a fuss here?

But just at that moment!

A voice came from outside the door!

"Third Lady of the Stewart Family and Miss Stewart have arrived!"

Upon hearing the voice, the crowd looked towards the entrance in unison.

They saw two beautiful women with graceful figures and elegant demeanor walking in.

Cindy Lewis paled in comparison, like a hen compared to a phoenix.

The other wealthy young ladies present also felt inferior.

"Isn't this Third Madam Stewart and Miss Julie Stewart from the top family of River City, the Stewart Family? Why are they here?!"

"My god, they are so beautiful, like fairy descending from the sky!"

"Could it be that Lady Stewart and Miss Stewart have come to attend the engagement banquet? The Lewis and Weil families' faces are really big, they actually invited the Stewart Family?"

People were discussing, their eyes full of enthusiasm as they looked at the two women.

"Ha ha, it turns out that Lady Stewart and Miss Stewart have arrived. Honored guests, honored guests!"

Vic Lewis greeted them with a smile on his face.

"Get out of the way!"

Cindy Lewis pushed Lionel Yeager aside and hurriedly went to greet them.

Of course, not only the Lewis family members, but also the Weil family members and others from prominent families rushed to greet them.

The Stewart family was a top family in River City, and it would be beneficial for them to have a connection with them.

However, Julie Stewart and Julia Stewart ignored everyone else and walked straight towards Lionel Yeager.

Julie's face was full of joy, "Mr. Yeager, I knew you were here!"