Chapter 009: Severe Illness Requires Strong Medicine!

Philip Steel quickly told Cyril Clancy what had just happened.

After listening to Philip Steel's words, Cyril Clancy looked at Lionel Yeager, frowning, "Kid, be down to earth and don't show off your little bit of medical skills everywhere, thinking you're amazing.

You have to know that there are always better people out there, and there are plenty who are more skillful than you."

In his opinion, Lionel Yeager was so young that he should be a medical student, showing off his little knowledge of medical skills.

The people present also nodded their heads, feeling that Cyril Clancy's words made sense.

Lionel Yeager just shrugged and didn't say anything more.

If he couldn't stand to watch, he wouldn't have stepped in and meddled.

Moreover, he was extremely confident in his own medical skills.

In this world, he was afraid that no one could compete with him except for Neal Koontz.

Soon, a bowl of medicine soup was brought over by the medical hall attendant.

However, when he sniffed the smell of the medicine soup, Lionel Yeager frowned again.

That's not right!

The medicine soup was still wrong!

Cyril Clancy took the medicine soup and was about to feed it to the middle-aged woman.

Lionel Yeager hurriedly interrupted, "It's still wrong, it's still wrong!"

As soon as these words came out!

All the people present looked over again!

Philip Steel suddenly got angry, "Hey, kid, are you looking for trouble?

You questioned me, and now you dare to question my master?

My master is the 'King of Hundred Herbs.' In the whole River City, even throughout the provincial city, my master ranks second in pharmacology, and no one dares to rank first!

Even Elder Holman, the first among River City's Four Great Divine Doctors, is slightly inferior to my master!"

"Kid, if you're free, leave now and don't hinder Divine Doctor Clancy from treating patients!"

"Kid, when Divine Doctor Clancy was saving lives and healing patients, you were probably still playing with mud!"

"Hurry up and leave, don't make trouble!"

The people present all spoke out, and their gazes toward Lionel Yeager became even more unfriendly.

The middle-aged man's face also darkened.

If he wasn't so patient, he would have wanted to drive the kid away.

Lionel Yeager sneered, "If it's wrong, it's wrong. Am I not allowed to say it?"

Cyril Clancy suddenly became angry!

He shouted, "Kid, you doubted me, huh?

Alright, let's make a bet!"

"What are we betting on?"

Lionel Yeager also became interested.

Cyril Clancy said, "If this bowl of soup medicine can improve this madam's condition and wake her up, you must apologize to me immediately!"

"What if you lose?"

Lionel Yeager asked with a smile.

Cyril Clancy said, "If I lose, I will apologize to you!"


Lionel Yeager nodded in agreement.

The crowd looked at Lionel Yeager with sneering faces, thinking that he was simply ignorant of his own limitations.

A kid who hadn't even grown in his hair properly dared to bet with Divine Doctor Clancy, wasn't that just looking for trouble?

Cyril Clancy ignored Lionel Yeager and quickly fed the middle-aged woman a few spoonfuls of the medicine soup.

Cyril Clancy then held his head high and said, "In no more than three minutes, this madam will be awake."

The crowd nodded.

Since Divine Doctor Clancy had said so, it must be correct.

As time went by, three minutes passed quickly.

They saw the middle-aged woman on the bed regaining color in her face, stopping sweating and looking much better overall.

"Divine Doctor Clancy is truly amazing. The effect is seen with just one bowl of medicine soup!"

"Isn't that so? You know the power of Divine Doctor Clancy as soon as he makes a move!"

People all around praised and flattered.

Cyril Clancy was very satisfied and even cast a smug glance at Lionel Yeager.

However, to everyone's puzzlement, the middle-aged woman still hadn't woken up after three minutes.

"Divine Doctor Clancy, why hasn't my wife woken up yet?"

The middle-aged man grew more anxious, his face turning a little pale.

Philip Steel reassured, "Mr., don't worry, your wife will wake up soon."

"Mister, there's no doubt about Divine Doctor Clancy's medical skills. Just wait a little longer."

People around also spoke up, telling the middle-aged man not to worry.


The middle-aged man nodded and didn't say anything more.

Time slowly passed, and another three minutes went by.

But the middle-aged woman still hadn't woken up.

Now Cyril Clancy couldn't sit still.

He furrowed his brow and said, "This is strange, did I really make a mistake?"

"Divine Doctor Clancy, what's wrong with my wife? Why hasn't she woken up yet?"

The middle-aged man was sweating with anxiety, his face turning white.

Other people present were whispering to each other, not knowing what had happened.

Could it be that Divine Doctor Clancy really made a mistake?

"Mister, don't worry, I'll check your wife again."

Cyril Clancy raised his hand and then took the pulse of the middle-aged woman again.

But after taking her pulse, Cyril Clancy's frown deepened.

"Master, this..."

Philip Steel was also a bit flustered.

"Don't talk, let me think!"

Cyril Clancy scolded irritably.

Lionel Yeager sighed, shaking his head and said directly, "Old man, this madam has had food allergies for more than a year or two, and her stomach has been having some problems.

As the saying goes, severe illness requires strong medicine. The Circulation Strengthening Soup should increase the dosage of two kinds of medicinal materials."

"Hey, I told you, you're still not done, are you!"

An attendant became furious.

But Cyril Clancy seemed to have thought of something, his eyes lit, and he hurriedly asked, "Which two medicinal materials?"

Lionel Yeager said loudly, "Licorice root and schisandra!"


Cyril Clancy slapped his thigh and excitedly said, "Right, right!

I just felt that the medicine soup was missing something!

So that's it! So that's it!"

Saying that, Cyril Clancy quickly handed the bowl to Philip Steel and said, "Philip, quickly add two units of licorice root and three units of schisandra to the medicine soup!"


Philip Steel took the bowl and hurriedly left.

At this moment, the people present looked at Lionel Yeager again with surprise in their eyes!

Was it really him who guessed right again?

But looking at Divine Doctor Clancy's expression just now, it seemed that Lionel Yeager had pointed him in the right direction!

Was this kid even better than Divine Doctor Clancy?

In a short while.

Philip Steel brought the bowl back and handed it to Cyril Clancy.

Cyril Clancy took the bowl and immediately fed the middle-aged woman a few more spoonfuls of medicine soup.

After waiting for about three more minutes.

The previously unconscious middle-aged woman slowly opened her eyes.

"She's awake, the madam is awake!"

"Amazing, it's truly amazing!"

"Just adding a larger dose of two medicinal materials, and the madam is better!"

The crowd joyously exclaimed.

"Dean, what happened to me?"

The middle-aged woman looked at the middle-aged man and asked in confusion.

The middle-aged man hurriedly helped the middle-aged woman up and said softly, "Mandy, just now you were in shock due to a food allergy. It was Divine Doctor Clancy who saved you. Hurry up and thank Divine Doctor Clancy."