Chapter 016: The Anticipation of Thousands!

At that moment.

Hotel bathroom.

Lionel Yeager walked out of the bathroom, intending to go to the make-up room.

But just as he did, a voice came from behind him.

"Hey, handsome guy in front of me, wait a moment!"

At the sound of the voice, Lionel's gaze shifted, and he turned around to look.

There, in the distance, were two women in heavily painted dresses - Anna and Alma Lewis.

"It's you?!"

Upon seeing Lionel, Alma's face turned particularly ugly.

Since today, Lionel was wearing a tailor-made black suit, looking slim and upright, and even got a new hairstyle. From behind, he looked like a model.

So, Alma didn't recognize him at first and just wanted to strike up a conversation.

Ever since her sister got engaged to Young Master Weil, she had been envious and jealous, wanting to hook up with a young master from a large family as well.

But she didn't expect that the one she tried to strike up a conversation with was the very same country bumpkin from three days ago.

Especially since three days ago, she was slapped by this poor guy, which made her hate him even more.

Anna was also surprised that this fellow could actually look like a decent person after a little grooming.

However, even if he looked more decent, without power or influence, he was still nothing.

Lionel's face darkened, and he asked, "What's the matter?"

He really didn't want to have any further dealings with these two women.

"What is a country bumpkin like you doing here?"

Alma asked coldly.

Lionel replied, "Where I am doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, does it?"

With her hands on her hips, Alma scoffed, "Country bumpkin, is this the place for you?

Today is Miss Stewart's engagement day, and everyone here is a powerful and influential figure. What are you, and how dare you show your face here?"

Anna crossed her arms over her chest, sneering, "Lionel, do you really think you are a friend to Miss Stewart?

Although I don't know how you met Miss Stewart, I want to tell you one thing: you and Miss Stewart are not from the same world!

So, don't even think about climbing up the Stewart family. The Stewart family is not something you can climb up to!"

Lionel chuckled coldly, "Who exactly wants to climb up the Stewart family?

I think the real ones wanting to climb up the Stewart family are you, isn't it?"

"You bastard, what are you saying!"

Alma glared at Lionel, wishing she could tear him to pieces.

Anna was also shaking with anger.

After all, what Lionel said was true.

Their Lewis family was indeed trying to build a closer relationship with the Stewart family.

But now, having it directly pointed out by Lionel made them very upset.

Without paying further attention to the two of them, Lionel turned around, preparing to leave.

"You, stop right there!"

Anna shrieked.

"What's the matter?"

Lionel looked back coldly, sweeping his eyes over the two. "Do you want another beating?"

Hearing Lionel's words and seeing his gaze, the two were frightened and took a few steps back.


With a snort, Lionel walked away.

"Bastard! Son of a bitch! You won't have a good death!"

Alma cursed, fuming.

"This guy has offended Young Master Weil and the people of the East Union. His days are numbered, and he will surely die miserably!"

Cindy Lewis said gloomily, then said, "Let's go, we should hurry to the hall now, the engagement banquet should be starting!"


Lucy Lewis nodded and followed Cindy Lewis to the hall.

At this moment.

Hotel Hall.

As time was passing by, almost everyone who came to attend the engagement banquet had arrived.

Everyone was chatting, and it was very lively.

"Who do you think is getting engaged to Miss Stewart?"

"I originally thought the Stewart Family would marry other first-class families in River City, but it doesn't seem like it!"

"Could it be that the Stewart Family is marrying other provinces' cities' families? I don't know which young master is so lucky to win the beauty!"

As people were discussing, they saw Haward Stewart, dressed in a red suit, with a rosy face and radiant spirit, walking into the hall.

"Look! Sir Stewart is here!"

"Oh my God, Sir Stewart is really healed, and he looks reinvigorated, not at all like someone who just recovered from a serious illness!"

"It seems the rumor is true. Sir Stewart was really healed by the Mysterious Divine Doctor!"

Everyone exclaimed in surprise, looking at Haward Stewart with astonished eyes.

They all knew that for the past three years, Haward Stewart had been lying in bed, and no doctor could cure him.

Some even said Haward Stewart was dying.

But now, seeing Haward Stewart standing vigorously before them, they were truly shocked.

Haward Stewart was really better, and it was as if he looked ten years younger!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed it!

Haward Stewart strode to the front of the crowd, smiled, and said, "Thank you all for coming to my granddaughter's engagement banquet today!

I'm sure you're all wondering who cured my stubborn illness and who is getting engaged to my granddaughter, right?

I can tell you now that the person who cured my long-term illness and the one who's getting engaged with my granddaughter is the same person!"

As soon as these words were spoken!

The whole audience was shocked!

"My God, is it true that the Mysterious Divine Doctor is the one getting engaged to Miss Stewart?!"

Some couldn't suppress the shock in their hearts, exclaiming in astonishment.

"How is that possible? The Divine Doctor who can cure Sir Stewart must be a national medical saint with a big beard and eyebrows. Could that doctor be a young man?!"

Another person exclaimed again.

They didn't think that Haward Stewart would allow his precious granddaughter to marry an old man.

Now, Vic Lewis, Tianna Lewis, and others of the Lewis Family were also shocked.

Tianna Lewis sighed, "I'm afraid that the Divine Doctor is an outstanding young descendant cultivated by an ancient medical family!"

Vic Lewis said, "We must get along well with that Divine Doctor!"

Everyone from the Lewis Family nodded repeatedly.

Donald Stern took a sip of red wine, smiling, "It's quite interesting. I didn't expect the one engaged to Miss Stewart to be the Divine Doctor who cured Sir Stewart!"

Jared Harper adjusted his glasses and said, "I'm quite looking forward to seeing who this young master is, who can win the beauty!"

Silas Jordan poured a big drink, his face gloomy, and said nothing.

"Sir Stewart, don't leave us in suspense. Hurry up and let Miss Stewart and that young master come out!"

At this moment, someone couldn't wait any longer and shouted.

Others were also eagerly looking forward to seeing the true face of the Divine Doctor.

"Alright, everyone, don't worry! I'll call my granddaughter and grandson-in-law to meet everyone now!"

Haward Stewart laughed heartily and then shouted upstairs, "Granddaughter, grandson-in-law, come down and meet everyone!"