Chapter 23: Convince People with Reason!

Even for Julia Stewart, who had seen Lionel Yeager's acupuncture skills before, the sight still left her in awe.

After waiting for a while, Mr. Yeager looked up and asked, "Miss Maddox, do you feel anything in your leg?"


Nancy Maddox shook her head.

Mr. Yeager nodded, and took another silver needle, puncturing the second acupoint on Nancy Maddox's leg.


Mr. Yeager asked again.

"Still nothing."

Nancy Maddox still shook her head.

Without hesitation, Mr. Yeager continued with the acupuncture.

It was only after the fourth silver needle pierced her that Nancy called out in surprise, "I can feel it, I can feel it! My leg is warm and numb, it feels like ants are crawling on it!"

Ever since her legs were paralyzed, she had lost all sensation.

But she had never expected that today her legs would regain their feeling, which made her extremely happy.

Silvia Warren excitedly asked, "Young Mistress, do you really feel something in your legs?"

"Moris, is this true?"