Chapter 033: Ten Billion!

Julia Stewart hastily handed a piece of paper to Lionel Yeager, asking: "Did you write this secret prescription?"

"Yes, I did."

Lionel Yeager nodded his head, "What's wrong, is there a problem?"

Irving Luther said, "Mr. Yeager, the secret formula you provided is the legendary 'rouge jade liquid'!"

"Is this secret formula worth a lot of money?"

Lionel Yeager asked, looking confused.

Irving Luther said, "This secret prescription can no longer be measured in terms of value, it is priceless!"


Lionel Yeager nodded in realization.

When Neal Koontz first gave him "The Medical Immortal's Treasure", he said that each secret formula recorded in it could command a sky-high price.

He didn't believe it at the time, thinking Neal Koontz was bragging.

Only now, hearing what Irving Luther had to say, did he believe it.

"Is it really the 'rouge jade liquid'? Can I take a look at it?"

Joan Holman and Cyril Clancy came over.