Chapter 047: She Doesn't Trust Me!

11 PM.

No. 8 Divine River Garden Villa.

Julia Stewart, Nancy Maddox, and Silvia Warren were sitting on the sofa, waiting for Lionel Yeager to return.

However, as time went by minute by minute, there was still no sign of him outside.

"Lionel hasn't come back yet. Do you think something happened to him?"

Julia's brow furrowed, clearly worried.

Although she has no feelings for Lionel, he is still her fiancé after all.

Moreover, Lionel had helped her company a lot, so she couldn't just stand by and do nothing.

Nancy reassured her, "Julia, don't worry, Mr. Yeager will be fine."

Julia said, "East Union has always been lawless, and Lionel has offended them too.

Sheridan Jules invited him tonight, so he must be up to no good.

I'd better call Grandfather."

Nancy nodded, "Alright, I'll call my grandfather, too."

However, just as Julia and Nancy took out their mobile phones to make the calls, there was suddenly some movement outside.

"Lionel is back?"